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Lake Map & Swims



Lac Clement is a beautiful lake of around 7 acres in size and

it varies in depths from 2ft at the shallowest point to 14 ft at

the deeper dam end and the average depth is around 7 ft.

There is no weed to contend with and the bottom varies from soft silt spots to rock and gravel. Because the lake is spring fed and with flow from the surrounding stream, water is constantly running through providing oxygen and keeping the depth at a set level. There is a small island at the one end of the lake with depths from 4 to 6 ft around it. 


No vehicle access is allowed around the lake but we provide trolleys for you to get your kit to the swims.

Stunning scenery 


*Oak Tree

*Hollies (double)

*Island swim





We have created 8 well spaced swims each with plenty of water and staging to land the carp safely. We limit the number of anglers to 4 for individual bookings and 6 for groups giving each angler lots of space and the opportunity to move if necessary. Take a look below to see a photographic view of each individual swim. The carp move well around the whole lake so the fishing is good in all the different areas and big carp can be caught from every swim.   

Oak tree swim.JPG
Hollies (right)
Shallows (Drained)
Oak tree (Drained)
Deep end (drained)
Deep end Drained)
View of lake (drained)

Click images to view full size swim pictures 

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