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Helpful advice

Tips & Tactics

After many years of running the fishery you can't help but gain a good understanding of the lake and it's residents. We always try and offer our advice on the fishing be that location,baiting strategy or rig recommendations. Everyone has their own way oapproaching a weeks fishing but we can help make it easier for you if you are unsure of where to start. All of the variables can change on a weekly basis and we are onsite to help you to make the right decisions based on the conditions in front of you. There are of course times when things are not as easy as you might hope for but we will always be there to help you through it.  These tips and tactics can be used as a good base to plan your trip around and left for you to tweak it to suit your own fishing. We all have our own ideas and we encourage you to implement them too, confidence is key after all.




Location & Spots

Location isn't really an issue as you'll never be far away from the fish in any of the swims. With the topography of the lake bed being relatively uniform it isn't really a matter of being pin point accurate with your rig placement. But there are areas and patrol routes that the fish use. Our swim tour will give you more information on these areas but we will also spend a good amount of time going through it on arrival day. The fish can also change habits based on your fishing approach an can be influenced by things such as line lay and how and when you apply bait. All things that we are aware of to give you as much advice as you need. 


 We do have Crayfish in the lake so Rig choice and hook bait choice are important. Strong materials are definitely necessary and i wouldn't use anything that contains tungsten during the  the summer months.  We actually advise some sort of leader (fished safely) As the crays can cut through tubing. They are not always a problem but it's always best to be prepared.  If they are being a problem then don't hesitate in using a plastic hookbait. Over the years there has been no better hookbait choice than double plastic corn. Not just when the crayfish are troublesome but even when they are not. In fact small hookbaits tend to be more productive on the whole and peoples preconceived ideas of snowmen and big boilies for big carp can be the wrong choice.  Keep an open mind and be prepared to make tweaks if necessary. How you mount your bait is down to personal preference but however you do so just make sure that your bait is secure and locked down any amont of movement will help the crayfish to slide the bait of. Bury the stop well on the hair or make sure any blobs are done well and don't have any give. Personally i still like to use a blow back rig or a slipped D with a semi stiff coated braid stripped back near the eye of the hook and a shrink tube kicker.

General advice

Be patient and give the spots time. The biggest mistake we see is people changing spots and by day two they might have baited 6 or 7 spots in their swim. I would say this can be the biggest reason for people struggling throughout the week.  With the lake and swims being fished without any breaks the bait can soon build up if everyone does this and it regularly does. This can build up and leave a swim with bait spread all around. Go easy to start with and build into the session, you can often catch quickly off the remnants of the previous week.  If you do move spots, and sometimes it can be succesful fishing away from the new areas, then go light with singles or a small boat load. 

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